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I am a student at Greyhills Academy High School. I love to play basketball. I like to hang out wit my friends n family.

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Gobs of Green Jobs

This article is about Global warming and saving are planet earth. The green jobs are trying to save this planet from all the greenhouse gases, burning fossils fuels, oil, and natural gases. Those are the thing that are causing global warming and that is one of the reasons why the summer gets hot every year. The president of the green jobs is Kevin Doyle. Doyle the U.S. green industry has been growing 5 percent each year for the past three years. There are some green jobs that are trying to help the planet and they are Water resource managers, Forester, Environmental Protection Technicians, Recycling specialists, Park Rangers and Conservation Biologist. Those jobs help save mother earth. Now, People are trying something new like building new cars and trucks to take less greenhouse gas and Alternative energy specialist are trying to design energy sources such as solar and wind power generators. All I’m saying is that you can make a difference if you help out are community and make are world a better place and safer place to live and reduce the hurricanes and floods and PLEASE throw your waste in the trash. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.


DGKChase said...

HI! tators i guess your blog was okay too bad i didnt get a chance to read it :) haha! peace yo. good size blog

Miss L. said...

Excellent summary Taylor. Question, what are you doing to conserve the natural resources? Keep up the good blogging. 10/10